I hadn’t been living in London long when I attended my first 4th of July party. The hosts, members of the U.S. embassy staff, made their guests envious by revealing that they could request any American products they wanted through the embassy.
Minds boggled with the possibilities. Dried chiles? Aged bourbon? Fancypants cereal?
Nope. These were globetrotting sophisticates living in the tony Maida Vale neighborhood, and topping their wish lists were … Bud Light and Cheetos.
made their guests envious・・・”羨ましくさせた”のですが、その内容がアメリカ人以外には???かもしれないところが話の味噌です
minds boggled/ minds boggle/ the mind boggles・・・近いのは「ちょっと訳わからないんだけどね」「理解に苦しむんだが」 boggleは「戸惑う」
(例文) How is it possible that he got lost on his way home yet again(またまた)? The mind boggles.
fancypants/ fancy-pants・・・(あまりいい感じではない類の)high classな様子
nope(米口語)・・・no yep(米口語)・・・yes
globetrotting/ globetrot・・・globe(地球)+trot(早足)
Bud Light and Cheetos・・・ありふれたビールとスナックの代表が「話のオチ(the punch line)」